cate-testimonial Testimonials26


Dear Uri,

Having recently watched both your wonderful jewellery shows on QVC, I felt compelled to write and say “thank you so much” for, not only displaying your stunning and symbolic jewellery, but also your special message which I, along with many others, truly appreciate. The power of the mind is very real, as I myself found out after years of suffering with quite severe anxiety and panic attacks. I finally realised that if my mind was able to create such negative thought which could actually materialise in physical sensations/sickness, then the power of positive thought could do the reverse. It has taken me on a very interesting journey.

Thank you again for being such a wonderful inspiration.

Very kind regards and best wishes always,

<name removed for privacy>

Dear Uri

You possess an extraordinary gift. Only minutes after your phone call I felt like a different person. You have given me inspiration and motivation to move on and live life more positively!

Due to the horrific nature of the car crash I was involved in, I developed a symptom of anxiety known as Depersonalisation. This is a feeling of unreality. It is harmless but can be a frightening a debilitating condition. I suffered depersonalisation for over 25 years. There was apparently no known cure for this condition, so I decided to find my own cure!

This I did and this is the nature of the book that I wrote: Feeling Unreal (Depersonalisation) My Cure!

I now realise that the saying ‘something good always comes out of something bad’ is true! Me suffering that car crash and depersonalisation led to me writing this book!! Apparantly millions of people globally suffer this anxiety related symptom. Hopefully I will be able to help some of them through my book to cure their symptoms and give them hope. Once again many thanks for all you have done!

Steven J Batt

My website:

I’m a fan of qvc never watched your programme before thought the jewellery too expensive. However watched today during a break from housework and on my day off (I’m a nurse of 30 years) and wow, your description and explanation of your jewellery really touched me. Your PMA is everything i used to have and forgot. Today because of you I feel different and I’ve bought a piece of your jewellery with my husband because you gave us the belief in what you said.
Thank you.

Today my life has changed. Not because of the beautiful watch I ordered, I might not even get that it’s on waitlist, but if I do it will be my focus and reminder of your words. Thank you Uri. Today I know my attitude to my life has changed and my life has changed because of that.

Dear Uri hi!

My name’s <name removed for privacy> and i’m from Greece. I had sent you an e-mail last year at the same day (you had help me quit smoking). So, the reason why i’m sending you this e-mail is to wish you Happy Birthday!!!

Best wishes, Merry Christmas !

Love, <name removed for privacy>

Dear Mr Geller,

First off let me tell you it is a honor to be able to communicate with you!  I am grateful you published your books on-line for free.  God Bless you!  Your book, “Little Book of Mindpower” has saved my life right now.  I’m very serious when I say this.  I am so relieved my soul found it’s way to your website because I am so weary of my life and long to change things.  Your book is like a breath of fresh air for me. I love the visualization part.

Thank you for reminding me how to live as a human.  It’s tough in a world full of mind-controlling tactics.

God Bless You.

I was at your apparency in Norway this month..

I came skeptic, but I left a bit more convinced in some sense..

Anyways, I was sitting here musing, and came to think that what you do is the same as what happens when I myself find the “placebo” effect healing me..

I take a sugar pill, told to help me get rid of the worts I had on my hand, and viola they are gone..

Positive thinking.. Mass suggestion.. Placebo ..

Some think those words are “negatively loaded” .. But I just had a small epiphany!

Thanks for coming to Norway!

I hope to see you again some time! 😀 I like you “Go-Go Spirit!”

“One, two, three; LIVE!”

I am glad I saw you there. 😀

Dear Uri Geller,

I need so send you this message to thank you so very ,very much for your fantastic lecture and show earlier today and also for giving me your special drawing with E=mc2 and your signature.

I,m so very ,very happy for it because i strongly know that it,s throug ,that everything is energy. I will put your drawing together with the interview you have in the Visjon Magasin an put it on a wall  in a frame ,so i can see ,feel and always remenber you and your strong enegy and E=mc2.

I have also now written in a special “goal book ” my wish ,hope and goal for my future right now before i write to you to say many , many millions thanks for being so lucky to participate your fantastic show on the alternative trade and for giving me strong energy and positive inspiration . You showed to all of us that everything ,everything is possible with the use of the mind and thoughts.

I,m so happy now.

Thank you,you are a wonderful person and also an angel on the earth.

A warm hug and all the best to you from Gro .

Dear Mr. Uri Geller,

I attended your show in Lillestrøm yesterday. All i knew about you before i went was what i had read at various sceptic websites. Mainly from James Randi. So I didn’t really expect much from your show, other than spoon bending tricks and you trying to convince the audience you have special powers. But i figuered I’d check it out when I had the chance.

I must say I was very pleasantly surprised. You are a really good speaker and have lot of good and important things to say. I really enjoyed your show. I think if people came to your show and saw what it’s really about, instead of just watching old videoes of how you fail to perform your tricks, they would know better than to try to make you look like a fool on the internet. I suspect most of the people that write about you on sceptic websites have never seen you live, and don’t really know what they’re talking about.

I don’t believe you have special powers, but like you said yourself, it doesn’t really matter. That’s not what it’s all about. Thanks for two entertaining hours. I hope I get to experience you again sometime.

<name removed for privacy>

Hello Uri!

Amazing show yesterday afternoon!!

Amazing to see the man-lifting, spoons, watches, etc, but also what you had to say in between it! The best show i `ve been to for a very very long time!

I dont know if you remember me, but i were the guy you pointed at, and asked if i were thinking yellow, when the girl wrote green at the paper behind you. I didnt, and i wondered, what was that? Cause i were actually concentrating hard og green=D But then i remembered!! Before the girl (cecilie) wrote anything, i was thinking: I think she will write yellow, i think she will write yellow…. but, she didnt. So, maybe THAT was what you saw from my side? Spooky :-p

The seed was amazing too, my girlfriend were the one in the purple at the stage, and none of us have seen a seed grow that fast before, live!

You are a very encouraging and inspiring person with a good underlaying message behind everything you do! Keep up the good work, and thanx for yesterday!

Have fun in Norway!!


Dear Uri,

I just had the pleasure of attending your show at the Alternative Mess outside Oslo last Sunday. An amazing performance which I believe can change the lives and ideas of many people among the audience and beyond.

As for the 11:11 issue, I just want to add the following, quoted from Grimberg volume 21:

‘At five o’clock in the morning November 11th they (the Germans) signed (the truce), and at eleven o’clock the same morning there was ceasefire on the western frontier’.

My additions in the brackets. So that’s when WWI ended in 1918, 11.11. at 11 o’clock! It just proves your point again.

But what is there about April 20, birthday of Hitler, Sadam Hussein, and, I hesitate to add, Mrs. Gro Harlem Brundtland, ex-primeminister of Norway and ex president of UN’s WHO?

Keep up your good work, Uri. The world needs you more than ever.

Peace and love,

<name removed for privacy>



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“There is no spoon!”

The Matrix

“The world needs your amazing talents. I need them”

Michael Jackson

“Uri Geller gave an absolutely resonating talk on his life and career. He had every single magician in the room on the edge of their seats trying to digest as much information as they could. Uri emphasized that the path to frame is through uniqueness and charisma and that professional entertainers must be creative in their pursuits of success and never shy away from publicity.”

Tannens Magic Blog

“The man is a natural magician. He does everything with great care, meticulous misdirection and flawless instinct. The nails are real, the keys are really borrowed, the envelopes are actually sealed, there are no stooges, there are no secret radio devices and there are no props from the magic catalogues.”

James Randi (In an open letter to Abracadabra Magazine)

“Absolutely amazing”

Mick Jagger

“Truly incredible”

Sir Elton John

“Eternity is down the hall And you sit there bending spoons In your mind, in your mind”

Johnny Cash

“I Have watched Uri Geller… I have seen that so I am a believer. It was my house key and the only way I would be able to use it is get a hammer and beat it out back flat again.”

Clint Eastwood

“Better than watching Geller bending silver spoons, better than witnessing new born nebulae’s in bloom”


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