thank you from karachi
Dear Uri geller , How are you sir , Hope you are fine as I am over here .
I would like to introduce myself first. I am <name removed for privacy> acid burn victum from karachi Pakistan . Because of your afforts I was brought down to Athens Greece and was treated by laser vision Doc <name removed for privacy> back in 2004 . My eyes were better for a month or two. Went bad again because of dust and pollution . I have been trying different Docs/hospitals to remedy but failed to achive the goal so far . I am not dis hearted , I still have hope that one day I able to see the the world with my own eyes as I have been trying to find your contact to express my feelings.
I myself and my dad are thanking you from the core of our hearts for your utmost affort, moral and financial support. Meanwhile I joined blind accedemy for brraile, language and computer knowledge. Praying for long life and prosparity . Bye for now . <name removed for privacy> karachi Pakistan.
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