The CIA Release Secret Files on Uri Geller. As Reported by Worldwide Media
The CIA have released a large volume of data, including previously secret documents about the tests that were performed on Uri Geller. The CIA concluded that Uri “demonstrated his paranormal perception ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner.”
Below are some of the news reports on this story.
CIA Files on Uri Geller
Appendix 1: The objective of this group of experimental sessions was to verify Geller’s apparent paranormal perception under carefully
controlled conditions with the goal of understanding the physical and psychological variables underlying such ability.
EXPERIMENTS – URI GELLER AT SRI, AUGUST 4-11, 1973. The objective of. this group of experimental sessions is to
verify Geller’s apparent paranormal perception under carefully controlled conditions and to head toward an understanding of the
physical and psychological variables underlying his apparent ability.
Las habilidades paranormales del guerrero psíquico de la CIA Uri Geller
Según un documento que acaba de desclasificar la CIA, Uri Geller fue sometido a un experimento para comprobar sus habilidades paranormales. El mentalista cuenta cómo superó las pruebas que le pusieron y la agencia confirmó sus poderes.A documentary in Spanish, covering the recently released CIA documents relating to secret CIA…
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